Utah Tech Police Department

Transparency & Neutrality

Trust and transparency are critical components of any healthy, sustainable relationship. Our goal is to make Utah Tech University the safest university in Utah, and one of the safest campuses in the country. The only way to achieve this is through collaborative partnership with our Trailblazer community. With that in mind, we want to make sure information is readily available about topics of interest and concern, expressed to us by our community.

The Utah Tech Police Department upholds and supports everyone’s constitutional rights and freedoms, while protecting and serving those in need. We do this from a position of neutrality. This means our officers are “fact finders” when asked to investigate any reported crime or concern. Documenting what occurred without political, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, or bias of any kind, is paramount to maintaining our position of neutrality. We also hold ourselves to a position of neutrality through policy and procedure by not engaging in endorsements of political offices or making any politically related statements or taking any politically motivated action, while fully supporting government and political institutions equally.


Contact Information

Dept Head: Wes LiCalzi, Chief of Police/Director of Public Safety

225 South University Avenue St. George, UT 84770

Lobby Hours
Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


Anti-Bias Training + Expectations

Anti-Bias Training + Expectations


As a Utah and UCOPA accredited law enforcement agency, all Utah Tech Police Department (UTPD) employees (sworn and civilian) are required to complete anti-bias training each year.

UTPD has developed a program called Character Counts that focuses on promoting a culture of ethics and integrity. This program’s instructor group includes 16 agency employees at varying ranks and positions within the organization.

Anti-bias and implicit-bias trainings include lecture-based learning, discussions, scenarios, and small group exercises. The purpose of the training includes the following:

o Understand that even well-intentioned people have biases
o Understand how implicit biases impact on what we perceive/see and can (unless prevented) impact on what we do
o Understand that fair & impartial policing leads to effective policing; and,
o Use tools that help individuals (1) recognize their conscious and implicit biases, and (2) implement “controlled” (unbiased) behavioral responses.


The trust and confidence of our community is paramount to ensuring the safety of everyone in Utah Tech University. We hold integrity as one of our core values, and expect all employees to exemplify our agencies core values both on and off duty. All matters or reports of personal and professional misconduct are addressed immediately, and taken very seriously.

Racial or bias-based policing is strictly forbidden. It is the policy of this agency to provide law enforcement services, and to enforce the law, equally, fairly, and without discrimination, toward any individual or group.

View Related Policies:
Policy 401: Bias-Based Policing
Policy 1010: Personnel Complaints

Body-Worn Cameras

Body-Worn Cameras

Body-worn cameras are valuable tools that provide an added layer of accountability for both law enforcement officials and the people we serve. All UTPD uniformed officers are equipped with body-worn cameras.

View Related Policy:
Policy 422: Portable Audio/Video Recorder Policy

Image of Body Worn Camera

Department Policies and Procedures

The “Policies and Procedures Manual” contains the operational orders established by the Police
Department to maintain the safety of our employees while we provide public safety and police
services to our stakeholders. These policies represent our commitment to service and reflect our
organizational values of service, integrity, accountability, and professionalism.

Department Policies and Procedures

Sexual Assault Investigations Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the investigation of sexual assaults (Utah
Code 53-25-201). These guidelines will address some of the unique aspects of such cases and
the effects that these crimes have on the victims.
Mandatory notifications requirements are addressed in the Child Abuse and Adult Abuse policies.

Sexual Assault Investigations

Washington County Task Force Protocol

The Washington County Critical Incident Task Force Investigative Protocol has been adopted to
ensure that investigation of officer-involved incidents occurring in Washington County are
conducted professionally, thoroughly, and impartially.

Washington County Critical Incident Task Force Investigative Protocol

Washington County CITF & CART Memorandum of Understanding

The Washington County Critical Incident Task Force (CITF) has been established
to provide uniform procedures and mutually agreed to rules.  The CITF
investigators group also makes up the Washington County Child Abduction
Response Team (CART).

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by and between multiple agencies.


Washington County CITF and CART Memorandums of Understanding

Washington County Drug Task Force Memorandum of Understanding

The attached document is a memorandum of understanding (MOU) made between those entities participating in the joint law enforcement endeavor knows as the Washington County Drug Task Force.

Washington County Drug Task Force Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding Utah Atty General Task Force - Internet Crimes Against Children

A MOU exists between the Utah Attorney General’s ICAC Task Force and each of the law enforcement affiliate agencies, regardless of whether the agency receives a state affiliate award.  The Utah ICAC Task Force provides funding received from various sources to law enforcement to act as affiliates to the Utah ICAC Task Force.  This MOU is between the Utah Attorney General’s ICAC Task Force and the Utah Tech University Police Department.

MOU Utah Atty General Task Force - Internet Crimes Against Children

Memorandum of Understanding for Lethality Assessment Program (Calls related to domestic violence)

The attached memorandum of understanding whereas, the Utah Tech Police Department and The DOVE Center, have come together to implement Utah’s Intimate Partner Violence Lethality Assessment Program in responds to calls for service relating to domestic violence.

Memorandum of Understanding for Lethality Assessment Program



We have heard the calls to consider reallocation of funds from Police Services to other community priorities. In recent years, officers have been increasingly tasked with navigating complex social issues, including homelessness, mental and behavioral health, substance abuse, and more. At UTPD, we have increased our partnerships and training in these areas to equip officers with the skills and resources to manage situations involving these factors. We practice an open door policy with our community to engage in constructive conversation about how best to manage these challenges in our community.

Current funding for UTPD supports and focuses primarily on Community Oriented Policing (COP) best practices, with a more comprehensive focus on individual service, which goes well beyond simply enforcing the law or completing reports. This investment means we have dedicated officers with training and empathy to respond to the needs of our rapidly growing community, as safely and thoughtfully as possible for everyone involved. Outside of COP efforts, a large portion of our annual budget goes to training and professional development of our officers.

Yearly operational costs take the remainder of the police department budget. Operational costs include body worn cameras, policy and procedure software, dispatch services, radios and equipment, vehicles, and so on.

IACLEA/UCOPA Accreditation


Accreditation Logo

Utah Tech Police Department (UTPD) earned UCOPA accreditation in 2019.

The Utah Chiefs of Police Association (UCOPA) is the credentialing authority who controls, oversees, and approves agency applications, for agency accreditation. Utah Tech University is the only university in the state of Utah to have received accreditation, and one of only eight police departments to receive UCOPA accreditation in the state of Utah.

UCOPA accreditation strengthens an agency’s accountability, both within the agency and the community, through a continuum of standards that clearly define authority, performance and responsibilities.

The initial accreditation process included a comprehensive review of policy and practices to ensure compliance with industry standards. A file review of UTPD policies/procedures was remotely conducted by an UCOPA independent assessor. UTPD was required to provide “proofs of compliance” for all standards set by UCOPA. Following that, we had a site-based assessment that included a tour of the facility, equipment, and interviews with agency and community members.  The assessor submitted a comprehensive report to the UCOPA commission and following a review with the commission and agency representatives, accreditation was awarded in 2019.

Following initial accreditation, ongoing work is required to maintain certification. There is continuous review of policies/procedures and directives ensuring we are reviewing what we do and working to continually improve. UCOPA conducts reviews by assessors who review ‘proofs of standards’ and ensure on-going compliance with their standards.  Annual reviews culminate in a re-accreditation every three years after review and approval by the UCOPA commission.  Our first annual review is underway now and will be completed by mid-June 2020.

UCOPA accreditation facilitates an agency’s pursuit of professional excellence and provides oversight to ensure that accredited agencies are providing the highest level of community service possible.

UTPD has also begun the International Association Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) accreditation process in 2020, and is working towards the “gold standard” accreditation for campus law enforcement agencies.

Learn more about UCOPA Accreditation: https://www.utahchiefs.org/accreditation

Learn more about IACLEA Accreditation: https://www.iaclea.org/accreditation

Community Oriented Policing

Community Oriented Policing

“Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies that support the systemic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.” – Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services

UTPD actively engages in COP efforts, philosophies and beliefs. We have implemented many programs and initiatives to bring COP to the Utah Tech University community, including programs like: Start by Believing, Martin Luther King Day of service, Athletics service projects, Shop with a Cop, LGBTQ Safe Zone, and many other students involved events on campus.  We actively work with the Utah Tech University Student Union to enhance and better engage our student population, while better serving their needs in providing safety and reducing the fear of crime.

Utah Tech University Police Department hires only those officers who truly love and value the UT community. Community oriented policing is not just a model of policing for us; it is fundamental and essential to how we protect and serve on campus. If you have ideas or suggestions on how we can better fulfill our community-oriented policing responsibilities on campus, please contact us.

De-Escalation & Use of Force

De-Escalation + Use of Force


Use of Force by law enforcement personnel is a matter of critical concern, both to the public and to the law enforcement community. Officers are involved on a daily basis in numerous and varied interactions and, when warranted, may use the minimal reasonable force necessary, in carrying out their duties. Officers must have an understanding of, and true appreciation for, their authority and limitations. This is especially true with respect to overcoming resistance while engaged in the performance of law enforcement duties. Utah Tech Police Department recognizes and respects the value of all human life and dignity without prejudice to anyone, as outlined in President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing released by the Department of Justice, in 2015.


UTPD has a philosophy and practice of de-escalation tactics and efforts. To ensure this is a central part of our culture and operations, we integrate de-escalation into all of our department use of force training (meaning it’s not just a one-time class). We strive for all of Utah Tech University Officers to be certified in Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training, through CIT Utah (exceeding the national standard of 20%). In any situation officer’s encounter, the safety of all involved parties is our top priority.


Our department seeks to use the least amount of force necessary to ensure the safety of all involved in a situation. Our defensive tactics protocols and use of force continuum train our officers to make force decisions based on the level of threat presented. Our defensive tactics and firearms training includes transitioning between responses, so officers are well equipped to move up and down the use of force continuum, based on the threat presented.


Utah Tech Police Department (UTPD) requires all use of force, and shows of force, to be maintained and documented in yearly reporting. This process allows internal affairs and supervisors to review and document concerns with any needed or requested follow-up. Use of Force items tracked include:

1.      Use of Force & Show of Force

2.      Vehicle pursuits

3.      Vehicle collisions involving university police-owned vehicles

4.      Pepper spray or baton deployments

5.      Performance complaints

6.      Civil Rights complaints


Community Member Review Board – At the request of the Chief of Police, the Community Member Review Board makes recommendations concerning interpretation of police policies and procedures. The board reviews internal investigations concerning police officer and non-sworn department employee conduct in the following situations:

1.      Upon written complaint, where an Officer is alleged to have: shown or used force; discharged a firearm in violation of policy or law; committed a crime; or caused a person to sustain severe injury, death, or complaint of a civil rights violation is made to the department.

2.      Regardless of whether or not there is a complaint, where an Officer has used deadly force.

3.      Upon written request, where a community member wants to have an Internal Affairs decision reviewed with regard to any other written allegation of misconduct of an Officer/employee.

4.      Any other investigation as requested by the Chief of Police or President of the University.


The Washington County Critical Incident Task Force Response Team Protocol, a multi-agency Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) Task Force, is called in any time there is an officer-involved shooting that results in injury or death, or if a death occurs while an individual is in custody of law enforcement. At the conclusion of a CIRT investigation, the findings are reported to the District Attorney. The District Attorney completes a thorough review of the entire investigation and uses the applicable law to determine whether the use of force was justified.




UTPD’s Core Values and Mission Statement directly show how vital ethics are to our agency’s success. Personal and professional ethics are highly reviewed and scrutinized during the hiring process for all sworn and non-sworn employees.

Core Values
Mission Statement



Utah Tech Police Department (UTPD) values our diverse campus community, and recognize the benefits each member brings to our university.

Our primary recruiting objective is to recruit highly qualified applicants, working towards achieving the goal of a workforce composition in the sworn law enforcement ranks that is reflective of our Utah Tech University community demographics. We also recruit and seek out applicants who blend within our departments cultural fit and firmly believe in and adopt community oriented policing methods. Members of our department are expected to make those in our community feel safe, while being open and approachable.

We currently have as full-time employees:

5 – Caucasian males, 2 – Caucasian female, 1 – Latin X male, 1 – African American male

We currently have as part-time employees:

4 – Caucasian males, 2 – Latin X male

Mental Health

Mental Health


All of UTPD officers are certified (or scheduled to be certified), through the Utah Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training program. CIT is a community partnership of law enforcement, mental health and substance use disorder professionals, individuals who live with mental illness and/or substance use disorders, their families and other advocates. This innovative first-responder model of police-based crisis intervention training is designed to help persons with mental disorders and/or substance use disorders access medical treatment rather than place them in the criminal justice system due to illness related behaviors. It also promotes officer safety and the safety of the individual in crisis.


The mission of the UT Health & Wellness Center is to provide high quality, cost-effective medical and mental health care in order to promote health and support academic success.  The UT Health & Wellness Center is also committed to offering wellness programs that deliver high quality educational services and programs which teach students, staff and faculty healthy approaches to life and coping skills to encourage students, faculty and staff to engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors. We provide acute health care and provide mental health services by appointment so that staff, students and faculty are more prepared to pursue their academic, career, and personal goals.

The Health & Wellness Center also encourages the campus community to strengthen their health and well-being through educational opportunities and self-improvement through outreach and programming throughout the campus. Taking responsibility for one’s health and well-being is an essential part of a person’s ability to contribute to the work and mission of UT. We invite you to visit the Health & Wellness Center where we have resources and health information regarding stress management, sexual responsibility, alcohol and other drugs, tobacco cessation, nutrition, and other basic health issues. Condoms are also available free at the front desk.


Utah Tech Police Department utilizes an independent full time Police Psychologist who specializes in police and first responder mental health related treatment. Police Officer and non-sworn staff with duties involving confidential information have a psychological evaluation and analysis completed to determine if the applicant has any potentially concerning conflicts or mental health issues that could cause harm to the community we serve.



Training Standards


We invest heavily in training. Having a strong, consistent, well-maintained knowledge of best practices and processes allows officers to safely serve the community.

All Utah officers are required to meet Utah POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training) requirements each year to maintain their law enforcement certification. UTPD exceeds the minimum P.O.S.T. standards significantly each year. POST requires a minimum of 40 in-service training hours annually, but UTPD officers average 120-300 in-service training hours on average depending on assignment and rank.

All officers received training that included legal updates, implicit bias, defensive tactics, firearms, driving, DUI investigations, active shooter response, hazmat response, critical incident response, mental health (community and personal), and equipment recertification’s. De-escalation is a prominent part of defensive tactics, firearms, and other topics that may involve response to an active situation.

One-third of UTPD officers are certified in Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training, exceeding the national standard of 20%). CIT is a community partnership of law enforcement, mental health and substance use disorder professionals, individuals who live with mental illness and/or substance use disorders, their families and other advocates. This innovative first-responder model of police-based crisis intervention training is Designed to help persons with mental disorders and/or substance use disorders access medical treatment rather than place them in the criminal justice system due to illness related behaviors. It also promotes officer safety and the safety of the individual in crisis.


New officers with no lateral law experience are required to successfully complete a 16-week basic police academy and successfully pass the Utah P.O.S.T. certification test.

Upon graduation, all hires (new and lateral) must complete an internal program with UTPD. This program educates new recruits about our culture, expectations, tactics, and philosophy of de-escalation. In addition, new officers have regular confidential meetings with the department Staff Psychologist for support and education on mental health topics.

Once they’ve completed mini-academy, new officers must successfully pass a 4-phased field training officer (FTO) program. During FTO, they are paired with experienced officers with specialized training that allows them to teach and evaluate new hires.

Officers who successfully pass this rigorous program join the Patrol Division as solo officers. In total, the introductory training program lasts 9-12 months.

Wellness Program

Wellness Program

Our employees invest in their physical and mental health to provide the best service possible. A number of resources are available to build a resilient workforce and provide the necessary mental health support for emergency services professionals who are routinely exposed to traumatic and high-stress situations.


Utah Tech Police Department (UTPD) has a contract with a full-time Police Psychologist who specializes in police related trauma available to officers and staff, when needed. In addition, new officers have a complete psychological evaluation prior to employment with UTPD. Officers may be referred to a police or general practice mental health professional, at their request or at the request of police administration if concerns arise. We are currently in the process of implementing a yearly psychological “check in” appointment with the Police Psychologist to allow each employee access to any mental health needs. If concerns arise that jeopardize the safety of the officer or the community, police administration is made aware and policy/procedure guides who these concerns are addressed.


Law enforcement personnel respond to some of the worst situations imaginable and must put personal feelings aside in order to perform necessary action to safely resolve situations and perform thorough investigations following serious crimes. Following particularly traumatic situations like child deaths, homicides, violent assaults, and critical incidents, a police psychologist may conduct an after-action stress debriefing for any employee involved or affected by the incident. These meetings allow employees to discuss the impact the incident had on them personally, learn about post-traumatic stress symptoms, and make connections for ongoing support.


UTPD has a comprehensive return to duty protocol that officers follow before resuming work after a critical incident. Officers are often called upon to deal with situations that may result in psychological trauma. The effectiveness of the recovery environment after a critical incident plays a significant role in both the prevention of a trauma response and a rapid recovery and successful return to work. The goal of the support offered is to return the involved staff member to duty mentally prepared to work safely and effectively.


Officers are allowed one hour of each shift to engage in physical fitness activities. Workouts are allowed only on campus, utilizing the Health Performance Center, or other locations available. Officers need to always be physically ready and capable for the demands placed upon them. Physical fitness is also a primary way many officers use for helping their mental health stay balanced.

Concealed Weapons

Utah Tech University (UT) complies with applicable law with regard to weapons on campus.  Utah state law states that a person may not possess a dangerous weapon, firearm, or sawed-off shot gun on school premises (Utah Code 76-10-505.5) except as permitted by law.  Additionally, a person may only carry a concealed dangerous weapon on campus when otherwise permitted by applicable state and federal law.  State statute defines a concealed dangerous weapon as being “covered, hidden, or secreted in a manner that the public would not be aware of its presence” and is “readily accessible for immediate use”. (Utah Code 76-10-501(3)).