Clery Act

Crime & Fire Logs

Crime Logs

The purpose of the daily crime log is to record all criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents that are reported to the campus police or security department. The log is designed to provide crime information on a timelier basis than the annual statistical disclosures. A crime must be entered into the log within two business days of when it was reported to the campus police or security department.

Fire Logs

What Are Reported Fires? Reported fires include fires that were already extinguished as well as those discovered while still burning. They include emergency situations involving fires that necessitated a call to 911 for fire department assistance, as well as minor fires, such as a small trash can fire that was easily extinguished without assistance. Fires can be reported by anyone, regardless of the individual’s association with your institution


For Emergencies, 24/7 CALL 911

St. George City Police Department
Emergency: 911
Non-emergency: 435-627-4300

Lindsey Bracken

Clery Compliance Officer


Phone: 435-879-4331

Utah Tech Police Department


Phone: 435-652-7515

Office: North/East Corner of the Burns Arena, 225 S. 700 E., St. George, Utah 84770